Project : Unbreakable

07.11.2013 21:47

The mission of Project Unbreakable is to increase awareness of the issues surrounding sexual assault and encourage the act of healing through art. Since the project's conception in October 2011 by then nineteen year old Grace Brown, it has featured over two thousand images of sexual assault survivors holding posters with quotes from their attackers. Project Unbreakable has been featured media outlets such as Glamour, TIME, The Huffington Post, and The Guardian.

If you are interested in participating by submitting in your own image, you may send an email to projectunbreakablesubmissions All other questions/concerns can be sent to Please know that we unfortunately are unable to read messages sent via Tumblr.

Note: We are not qualified to give certified advice on this subject.

If you are struggling, RAINN has a free, confidential, 24/7 sexual assault hotline: 1.800.656.HOPE(4673). RAINN also has an online hotline:






Quelle come noi


Serve che gli uomini vengano educati al rispetto ed alla gestione delle proprie emozioni, violenza ed aggressività...

è un impotente un uomo che non sa controllarsi e tenersi in consapevolezza e meditazione.

Marianna Vasile