Coming out of the silence is possible! Let's stop the violence!

To stop the violence is possible.

With this affermation the Consulting Body of Women, situated under the care of regional Council of the Piemonte, intends to start off an information campaign for helping women victims of any kind of violence to find the courage to come out in open, to talk, to confide and to report in order to find their lost dignity.

It is further desired to do a work of making institutions, private citizens such that a major attention and input is paid to this painful, widespread and in fact much tolerated problem and that no one becomes an associate of the “Violent” pretending not to see.This is not one of the many publications that speak to women about violence, but it has been designed as a useful instrument for those who everyday, may be from years are victims. From page to page, the persons will be guided to face a process that would take them first of all to understand that they are subjected to an abuse and that it is considered a crime, to distinguish the various shades, therefore to take note that supporting does not serve, if not to worsen the situation and to increase risks and suffering until when a decision of wanting to come out is not taken. To encourage the victims to find in themselves the courage to report, which requires that they be told that in this case they will not be left alone, because there are laws that guard them and there exists a possibility to have a free legal assistance.They should know that even near their house exists a command office, services and associations formed to help the victims of violence. Their list is also an important part of the publication and constitutes a concrete help for those who are witnesses or when such a situation comes to their knowledge. The addresses are also forwarded in the card, which can be pocketed such that they are always handy. These are only the first steps of a project, which deals with violence on women. The Regional Women’s Consultancy is busy preparing other concrete and important initiatives on the conviction that it is necessary to come out of the silence. 


Mariacristina Spinosa (Advisory Secretary of the Office of the President of the Regional Council)

Let's stop the violence!

Project : Unbreakable

07.11.2013 21:47
The mission of Project Unbreakable is to increase awareness of the issues surrounding sexual assault and encourage the act of healing through art. Since the project's conception in October 2011 by then nineteen year old Grace Brown, it has featured over two thousand images of sexual assault...




Quelle come noi


Serve che gli uomini vengano educati al rispetto ed alla gestione delle proprie emozioni, violenza ed aggressività...

è un impotente un uomo che non sa controllarsi e tenersi in consapevolezza e meditazione.

Marianna Vasile